Our versatile wet/dry industrial vacuum trucks allow us to offer efficient, cost-effective spill cleanup and remediation services.
Whether it’s wet or dry material, we can clean up material spills at plants, on job sites, or on the road. When we’re finished, we test any affected surrounding soils.
If necessary, we’ll remove any contaminated material, backfill and replant, leaving the area attractive and ready to regrow.

Our spill remediation services cover:
truck wrecks or overturned vehicles on roadways
lost bulk loads that have split open or scattered
overturned rail cars
damaged vehicle leaks anywhere
unintended material dumps, spills and overflows
We handle spilled liquids and materials such as:
motor oil and other bulk lubricants
hydraulic fluid
farm products such as corn and grain
If you don’t see a material listed here, call to ask whether we can collect and recover it for you. We don’t handle toxic or hazardous materials, but we can recommend companies who do. Give us a call at 803-581-2781—we’re happy to be of service.